Put your airport on the weather map.
Pilots choose to prepare for their flights with weather briefings from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Services, Air Traffic Control (ATC), DUATS as well as commercial weather providers, Internet sites, pilot briefing systems and private forecasting companies.
Equipping your airport with the DBT NADIN DataLink allows all of these weather providers to incorporate your AWOS observations into their weather maps and briefings. DBT Transportation Services is your single source of distribution and the Data Link transmits your AWOS observations to the FAA’s Weather Message Switching Center (WMSCR) through the National Airspace Data Interchange Network (NADIN). WMSCR transmits all of your observations to all of the users – one stop, one provider.
For more information on the DBT Transportation Services NADIN DataLink please contact us at 844-3GETDBT or CS@DBTTranServ.com.