DBT Transportation Services offers a unique turn-key AWOS program that follows the life of your AWOS from the initial planning and installation of the system through comprehensive training and maintenance services.
DBT Transportation Services’ project managers and AWOS technicians are the most experienced in the business, having installed the first certified AWOS in 1979. Because we specialize in AWOS, we offer a level of expertise that ensures your AWOS project is carefully planned and efficiently carried out with an eye toward optimizing your investment long-term.
STEP ONE — Identify Broadcast Method
The majority of AWOS are broadcast over a discrete VHF Frequency. However, other options are available and should be evaluated prior to submitting an FCC application. Options include a discrete VHF Frequency, a VOR, an NDB, or an existing ATIS frequency.
Issues related to output of the AWOS observations should be addressed with the appropriate non-Federal Systems Coordinator or the regional Frequency Management Officer.
STEP TWO—Submit Forms
Submit the required forms needed to obtain AWOS siting approval and a VHF frequency if a discrete VHF air-ground transmitter will be the broadcast method. These forms are:
- FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration: This form is used to obtain siting approval for the AWOS. This form is available from the non-Federal Systems Coordinator.
- FCC Form 601 Application for Wireless Telecommunication Bureau: Facilities that will broadcast observations over a discrete VHF frequency must submit this form.
In addition, if a UHF datalink is required for your AWOS, this form is also used to obtain the discrete UHF frequency. Once completed, the form must be submitted to APCO Automated Frequency Coordination, Inc. for review and processing.
STEP THREE — Installation
Installation of the AWOS should only be started after the FAA has signed and returned FAA Form 7460-1, which confirms that the site chosen for the AWOS installation is acceptable.
STEP FOUR—Inspections
After the installation is complete and the broadcast frequency is known, the AWOS undergoes a commissioning ground inspection, which is conducted by the Regional Airway Facility Office.
STEP FIVE—Maintenance
Once commissioned, the AWOS must be maintained according to DBT Transportation Services’ annual inspection program in order to maintain the commissioned status. The maintenance program must be performed by a certified technician.